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Susan Miller

Practice Manager

Susan Miller

“There are never two days the same at our vibrant clinic. I love meeting people and getting to know them as the move along their Chiropractic journey from pain to wellness!”

The Clinic simply could not function without Sue. Her day is filled with organising the Chiropractors busy lists, their paperwork and her team of wonderful Chiropractic Assistants.

Sue has been at the Clinic for well over 20 years, originally as an Assistant and then Practice Manager. She lives locally with her husband and two grown up sons. She is a fitness fanatic, enjoying gym classes most days.

“Part of my health regime are my Chiropractic adjustments every two weeks. Regular care keeps me flexible and pain free.”

Sue’s pride and joy is her dog Molly and enjoys walking miles with her every day (when she is not travelling the World!)

Claire Mather-Dodd
Victor Dejanovic
Susan Miller